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By Guaire
This is a pull from a 2011 Bullet G5. I couldn't stand the lean angle this thing set up. Asking $15 and whatever it takes to ship it. I'll take $10 if you want to drive a hard bargain.
Stand 98.jpg
Stand 98.jpg (344.52 KiB) Viewed 10095 times
Stand 01.jpg
Stand 01.jpg (158.32 KiB) Viewed 10095 times
Stand 00.jpg
Stand 00.jpg (164.82 KiB) Viewed 10095 times
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By Tim
What did you replace it with?
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By Guaire
I bought the adjustable stand from Hitchcock's. I think they're out of stock now.
It's going to need the Norton Commando center stand fix. The metal wears in a bit from the frame. It digs out some metal of the stand. The solution is to weld up a little more metal on the stand. Then you file it down to the best angle.
The old stand didn't sell. I gave it to Jeremy at Cycles of Silver Spring - a Royal Enfield dealer.
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