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By gashousegorilla
Yeah, I can believe it Olbil ! With a carbed bike you'd run lean , with EFI and o2 sensor you might run too rich. Those stock head pipes... at least on the early bikes ... could be a PIA to fit correctly. Everything has to be perfect with the mounts and etc. So that the inlet end of the head pipe , sit's square and flat, up against exhaust port in the head. I've seen guy 's grind an angle on the pipe to get it in there squarely, or use two gaskets and etc.
By swamp2
Ok, time to fess up... The pipe that isn't sealing isn't the original, it's the cheapie $38 India pipe I bought a while ago with the intent of getting a bit better breathing. And it's clearly marginal in some ways, I had to drill out the holes in the flange quite a bit to get it to fit properly over the studs. But with that said, I still didn't see anything resembling a gasket, even though I didn't have any apparent leakage with the old pipe.

I hope I can get the pipe to work, I like the look of the bend and my ultimate intent is to put the bung for the autotune wideband sensor on that pipe rather than cobble up the original restrictive pipe.

I blame GHG for this silliness! He's a bad influence! :lol:
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By OlBilford
Hahaha,he is a man who makes one dream of impossibility! Well,I’d fear to guess that a gasket will help,like ol’ GHG said,maybe two...hahaha I know we all like to complain and such about indian parts..our whole motorcycles are Indian...one could say to themselves,how bad could it be? Hahahahaha I am great friends with an amazing Indian dude... I asked him why everything I ever get from India is cheap garbage and he let me in on a mantra that the working Indian chants.....Only God is perfection....hahahaha I bet your pipe will be a ok if ya make it so!
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By gashousegorilla
Hahahaha !! You guys is crazy... it really ain't all that hard. All it takes to make you say " this ain't no Enfield !" Is a pipe /muffler , cheap uni air filter, a set of Cams that an actual human would use , and a PC-V. And I toll ya about that Indian looog swoop pipe swamp. :D ;) It will flow and feel slightly better then the stock one. I'd hold off on welding that bung in , until your sure your happy.... A head pipe that is and inch and a half ID at least , tapered out of the exhaust port or with a torque tube installed is the ticket for these bikes I think....
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By OlBilford
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By gashousegorilla
Hahaha !! Your right ! No more high tech terminology boo shyte... "Why them cams better then stock GHG ?" Hell , I don't know ? They shoves the valves deeper and for longer and let more damn air in !! Hahaha ! :D ;) More air through the intake and into the cylinder, close the valves , corn-press it, light it up , push it down and push it out through a bigger pipe .. More air in and out makes more power . Simple as that I figure, for the most part anyway ? ... hahaha ! :D
By swamp2
gashousegorilla wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:31 pm Hahahaha !! You guys is crazy... it really ain't all that hard. All it takes to make you say " this ain't no Enfield !" Is a pipe /muffler , cheap uni air filter, a set of Cams that an actual human would use , and a PC-V. And I toll ya about that Indian looog swoop pipe swamp. :D ;) It will flow and feel slightly better then the stock one. I'd hold off on welding that bung in , until your sure your happy.... A head pipe that is and inch and a half ID at least , tapered out of the exhaust port or with a torque tube installed is the ticket for these bikes I think....
I'm getting there... Have the lower restriction muffler and PC-V in place. The pipe was the next piece. If that works ok, I have the AT-200 to install. Then I've got the Uni pod filter waiting patiently by. Wasn't planning on the cams though.

I got the India pipe mostly because I'm cheap. The delivered cost difference between the 1 3/8"pipe and the 1 1/2" Hitchcock pipe more than paid for the (used) AT-200 autotune thing. And comparing cross sectional areas of the pipe - the India pipe gives nearly 50% more area than the stock 1 1/8". But going to the 1 1/2" only gives another 20% beyond that. I don't think I'd notice. If anything I'd rather have a hair more torque than a touch more top end.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it (for now...) :P
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By gashousegorilla
No worries Swamp ... I completely understand . Ain't nobody gonna make a fortune on hot rod Enfield parts! ;) Hehehe ! BUT... if you ever wanna do a little playing around with your STOCK cams and timing , to make things a little better ... don't cost nothing and is easy , let me know . ;)
By swamp2
Hmmm... Well, if there's gains to be had from cam timing and it doesn't cost anything... :twisted: 8-)
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By gashousegorilla
swamp2 wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:47 am Hmmm... Well, if there's gains to be had from cam timing and it doesn't cost anything... :twisted: 8-)
If you advance the intake cam ONE tooth clockwise Swamp, you will open the intake valve earlier during over lap, and close it earlier. ;) Opening it it earlier during over lap... or as the exhaust valve is closing and the intake valve is opening, will create a better scavenging effect. The existing exhaust gases .. or what is left of them at that point.... can actually HELP pull in the next incoming charge of air and fuel. Olbill... think of someone sitting in a car going fast, smoking a cigarette with the window cracked open. The smoke gets sucked out of that cracked widow faster as the car goes faster and that air outside the car is speeding by. I think some Italian brainiack figured this out back in the middle ages ? And something to do with carburetors and such ? Hehehehe ! ;) Anyways... Advancing the intake cam will ALSO close the intake valve earlier after bottom dead center, trapping MORE AIR and fuel in the cylinder to compress. ;) If the valve were to close later .. . like stock ? There would be less of it. Why ?... because as the piston is moving back UP the cylinder and compressing the mixture FARTHER the cylinder before the valve closes, it is compressing that mixture over a shorter distance. There can be NO compression until the valve is closed. So you scavenge and cheat and pull in more air as the intake is opening at one end, then slam the valve shut earlier at the other end to trap it and compress it more . It ain't rocket science....

Result ? More air in there, more air to compress,more to light up ! More push on the piston as it is going back down on the power stroke. AND.. More twork ! How do you prove this all out ? Well... do a compression test both before and AFTER you advance the Cam . I bet you see about ... a 20 PSI increase if I'm remembering correctly ? But that is JUST at a "STATIC " compression test . The Engine is only cranking over at around 3 or 400 rpms . But as the rpm's go up and up and up and UP , that cylinder pressure with go up exponentially. ;)
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